The month of November is traditionally when the faithful pray in a special way for our deceased loved ones and we call to mind the resurrection that is the hope for ourselves and those who have gone before us. All Souls Day is celebrated on Thursday, November 2 and the Mass that day will be at 9:00 A.M, and at the 11:30 Mass on Sunday, November 5, we will have a special ceremony of remembrance for all those parishioners who have died over the past year There are cards and envelopes on the tables in the church in which you could list the names of the persons you love who have gone to God, and the friars will include these persons in their prayers and in their intentions for the Masses they celebrate during the month of November. You can give it to one of the friars or drop it off at the parish office. All those members of our families and of our parish family who have gone to God will never be forgotten and we trust that the Lord is taking care of them until we see them again!