The feast of St. Francis of Assisi is on Friday, October 4 and we will once again celebrate the life and spirit of our holy father Francis as a parish community.
There will be a special Mass in honor of St. Francis on that day, and on Thursday, October 3 at 7:00 P.M. in the church we will have a Transitus service, which will commemorate the passing of Francis. A reception will follow in the church hall.
And there will be a blessing of the animals on Sunday, October 6 at 2:00 at Hasbrouck Park (right next to the church). This will be within a special Mass that will be offered there at the park and which will satisfy the Sunday obligation. Chairs will be provided, but please consider bringing a blanket to sit on with your family and with your pets. We ask that dogs be on leashes, cats be in a cage (or on a leash!) and exotic animals be in cages.
Please bring your pets to be blessed in the spirit of the man who saw God’s goodness in all of creation. If you can bring it, we can bless it!
All are welcome to attend all of these events.