On the first Sunday of every month the 9:30 Mass is a Children’s Mass. This is not a “kiddie Mass” with balloons! Rather, it’s one that engages the whole family and helps us all, and in a special way the children, to experience the liturgy in a more enjoyable and engaging way. This Mass has versions of the Scripture readings which are tailored to a 7th grade level; a homily that is offered in the aisle and is interactive; Religious Education students proclaim the Scripture readings (not the introduction, the Prayer of the Faithful, or the announcements, though); and Religious Education students bring up the gifts for the Offertory with their families. And of course we have our children as altar servers! The next Children’s Mass will be on July 7. Please join us for this experience of liturgy for all ages and please invite the people you know and love to celebrate the Eucharist with us.